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No 46


主演:Maryanne Kelly Aguis 

导演:Ariana Kenny 



ELISE is a young, fearful woman who escapes her old life to move in with her best friend Miranda across the country following an altercation with a stalker leading to the death of her boyfriend. They find refuge in Malachai's home, a site that saw a serial killer's murder spree several decades earlier. Though not a superstitious person, Elise begins to encounter strange events that begin to test her curiosity, then her mind. Although she holds firm in her resolve not to believe there is a supernatural presence in their home, Elise begins to doubt her sanity, especially when Keith, a murdering stalker from her past has followed her and arrives to save her from an encounter with Owen, a nice guy with a dark secret. Owen and his partner James, a mentally unstable psychic arrive on her doorstep to announce they are there to liberate trapped spirits in the house, only to be hauled away by police. With the threat of Keith's return, the unnatural occurrences in the house and Owen and James' ...

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如果说还有瑕疵就是衣服太干净了,但是真的很接地气,每个农村人都是那么真实,真喜欢听“得”这个字,看到腿折了没钱治的一家,眼泪就止不住了,都是同胞,还有很多人生活很穷,真心希望每个贫穷的人都能吃饱穿暖,国家扶贫才是真的是为人民服务,希望能真实得让老百姓过上一天比一天好的日子。 喜欢看《山海情》和《大山的女儿》,他们用真心在拍老百姓的电视,任何假大空都是对观众的侮辱,每个演员及导演都应该在农村里生活三个月,再拍农民真正的生活,也愿中国的老百姓都过上有尊严的生活。为

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澳大利亚最新电影《No 46》由 Ariana Kenny  执导。人人影视为广大网友收集了2022年由 Maryanne Kelly Aguis  等领衔主演的No 46在线观看,人人影视还支持手机看免费高清版No 46,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。

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